Bubble tea during pregnancy?

Is it ok to drink bubble tea few times a week? Cos i know it's tea so contain caffeine, and also high sugar levels.. my fav is oolong milk tea with 50% sugar

Bubble tea during pregnancy?
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please dont drink tea or coffee, and not too much sugar. for these few mths preg i didnt touch coffee or tea. i only had koi ice honey or honey lemon with minimal sugar or liho avacado milk without sugar, playmade honey lemon half or less sugar. if you keep taking sugar you must bear in mind at 20plus 28 weeks u need take gestation diabetes test. if u have gd or at risk you gonna need to take insulin jabs or oral insulin, not saying you cant take 50 percent sugar or milk tea but once a week. your weight gain is a consideration and will be monitored by gynae too. for the sake of your bb and your health, try cut down on sugary stuff and have a good healthy diet. you want the best for your bb ya? ? the abovementioned drinks can be an alternative but taken in moderation

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