Bubble tea
What bubble tea can I drink? Given tea has caffeine, what sort of bubble tea can I drink? Thanks!

I think it’s okay to drink the ones with milk? But do control your sugar level. I don’t have a sweet tooth and I don’t eat a lot of candy or chocolates but I’ve been diagnosed with diabetes and kinda worried for my baby right now. Your hormones go crazy during pregnancy so do minimise and balance your diet well. Also, drink lots of water after you’ve indulged in something, that’s from my own experience. Enjoy and good luck! ✌🏼
Read moreAlmost all of them have tea. (Except maybe some of the chocolate drinks). Taking it once in a while is okay, and if you’re drinking bubble tea that day, then don’t take other caffeinated drinks? (Coffee, tea, coke, etc)
The contend of caffeine is very little. Actually no need to worry. Cos I had coffee every morning. My baby is very well. Not even jaundice. She is very pink
I think it's perfectly okay to indulge in one once in a while :) I drink about once a month. Sometimes I get Mr Bean's pearly soya when I've craving for pearls.
Yes me too.. even indulge in bandung pearls.. whenever i cant get any bubble tea.
honestly i drink bubble tea for just the pearls. if you’re going for non tea options, why not consider chocolate ice blended or soya bean with pearls?
I usually drink bubble tea without sugar anyway. I'm just worried about the caffeine. I love my peach green tea or peach tea with pearls ;)
You can drink the milk series. It’s ok to indulge once in a while but bubble tea has no nutritional value and be careful of the sugar
I’m 20 weeks now and I drink bbtea once or twice every week! But if I do, I’ll make sure no coffee for that day :)
I love bubble tea & continued drinking during pregnancy. How about bubble tea with pearls but without the tea?
Can still drink. Just limit your consumption once or twice per week at most. Opt for lower sugar level.
Mum of 2 beautiful girls