Shower and wipe baby
Now my nanny will shower my baby in the morning and wipe her with a wet cloth in the afternoon and night. Im thinking how many times should i wipe the baby? Usually how many times do you wipe your baby's body in a day?

Mine bathe twice. Or wipe once in the evening ( if didn’t bathe ) Between 7am - 10am and before 6pm During the evening, Nanny was teaching me how to bathe baby.
Read moreShower once, wipe once. Wipe in the morning, shower at 7pm. Clean her face with water after every feed.
I think one shower in the morning and one wipe in the evening will do. They don't sweat much.
I bathe baby once a day. She doesn’t really perspire much so I don’t wipe her down.
Bath babies once in the morning and once at night to keep their body feeling fresh
Morning and night shower, the rest wipe with a good baby wipes preferably peekapoo
Twice a day. Morning and before 7pm in the evening.
Shower in the day once and wipe once before bed.
Bef 1mth Wipe twice After that, shower twice
Morning shower evening before 6pm wipe them.