Yeast infection

Hi mums, i got yeast infection today (i knew it's yeast cause i got it once a few years ago). May i know if it's common in pregnancy and how long does it last? Also is it because of wet underwear/wet after shower never wipe? Cause i'm on 10 weeks day 5, been feeling extremely tired so sometimes i have no energy to wipe after shower and immediately wear my underwear😅😐

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If not wrong during pregnancy has higher chance to have such discharge and infections. But dont worry, they are mild and won’t affect your baby. I had it once during my first pregnancy, seen a GP and had medication. All good.

2y trước

Thank you so much, i feel relieved!! :")❤

I had it throughout my first pregnancy until my son was born. Medication, yoghurt, cotton panties, keeping it try and night time I don’t even wear panties also no use. Just tolerated it everyday