At What Age Before You Start To Discipline Your Child?
Not sure when can we start to discipline our LO, first time mum here. LO is ten months old and starting to shout whenever unhappy or can't get what he wants.
Not sure when can we start to discipline our LO, first time mum here. LO is ten months old and starting to shout whenever unhappy or can't get what he wants.
At that age, they understand tone of voice. Look straight into her eyes, and say, “No.” I wouldn’t smack the child at this age, but the disciplining should start now, letting the child know what is right and wrong.
Pretty much once they understand what you are saying, it's a good time to start. That is, if your idea of 'disciplining' is to explain and have the kid understand why they should or shouldn't do something.
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You can try "disciplining" by explaining to your lo now.. kids these days pick up things really fast(:
For me I will say no and explain why. Babies will actually hear and understand