This is not a question . When my baby fake their cry , i find them adorable.. they just want our attention..heeh..
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Super Mom
Sometimes they don’t even put in the effort to cry properly. It’s like an “ehhhh” 🤣
But educating them is still a must. Such behaviours cannot be encouraged
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Vô danh
5y trước
Yes dear
Yes agreed. They look so cute and adorable when they do that haha
5y trước
Hehe but if they really cry OMG.. XP
Thành viên VIP
Haha. I think so too. Then I will be taking photos non stop.
5y trước
Hahaa right same !
Yes cute but have to discourage such habits
Influencer của TAP
Yea, my lo always do that. So drama. 😄
5y trước
Haha super cute
Thành viên VIP
Yep totally agree😍
Influencer của TAP
Agree too hehe
Thành viên VIP
Yes, so cute
yes! agree!
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