Baby at 2 weeks plus
Is it normal to drink much more suddenly? Increase from 90ml to about 120ml

I guess it’s a yes.. my lo drank up to 150ml when 3w old! Scare the hell outta us! Lol! I later spoke with PD, he said it’s ok as long as their overall intake for the day is within limit. (A rough guide attached)

Yes my baby drank a bit more too . If he has no issues of colic or vomitting it should be fine . Just remember to burp him after every feed
Hi, If the baby is not vomiting and is feeling fine after drinking milk it should be fine but do make sure to burp the baby after feeding
yes! my PD says all babies are different.. so if they cry out of hunger, just feed. They will know when they are full~
I think it's ok. my baby drink 60ml at birth 3rd day drink 90ml. 2 weeks drink 120ml. 1 month old drinks 150ml.
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I think it’s ok because my baby was like that
Normal and could be the growth spurt
its okay, might be grow spout
I think it’s normal