Baby 19 days - how much milk should them drink ?
My baby 2hours cry once to drink about 120ml milk. Is it normal?

On average, a baby needs around 150 ml of formula per kilogram of body weight per day until he's three months old. Which means you might be overfeeding your baby as he is only 19 days old. There are many other factors that can cause the baby to cry. Maybe you can try playing with him or something to distract his attention other than overfeeding him.
Read moreMost newborns eat every 2 to 3 hours, or 8 to 12 times every 24 hours. Babies might only take in half ounce per feeding for the first day or two of life, but after that will usually drink 1 to 2 ounces at each feeding. This amount increases to 2 to 3 ounces by 2 weeks of age.
Mine also cry for milk but noon time after feed he will sleep then midnight will open he eyes after drink. Ya I did but nowadays he will slowly open up by himself alr.
Did your baby calm down after drinking the milk? I think no issue as long as baby is OK after drinking the milk. Some babies may tend to drink more milk than others.
I won't say that my newborn refuses to sleep.. But my newborn will keep waking up for milk.. Super tiring phase for the caregivers. Did you swaddle your baby?
I think thats is over feeding dont u think. My baby is already 1 month. Yes he also keep crying for milk. But i use pacifier as i dont want to overfeed him.
Gave him pacifier he can calm down for a while after that start crying again
Sounds like alot. As a general guideline the milk required per day should be baby weight in kg * 150ml
My boy started with 60ml every 3 hours before progressing to 90ml every 3h. Hope this helps!
Seems like a bit lot.
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