Stretch Mark Appear

New mum here. When will stretch Mark appear during the pregnancy

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I was afraid of stretch marks too; so I applied cream when im into my 5th mth. Lucky for me, i did not suffer any on my tummy, but i did notice a few on my butt cheek after i gave birth. I googled and it states that not everybody will get it. And if your mom has it, most probably you’ll have it as well.

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Thành viên VIP

Hi... generally Stretch marks often appear later during pregnancy as the skin stretches as a result of weight gain, and to accommodate the growing baby and uterus. Some women will start to get them in the second trimester, while others may not notice them until the last few weeks of the third trimester.

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Thành viên VIP

Mine hasn’t appeared yet. 16 weeks now. But I’ve been applying Bio-Oil and Palmer’s Cocoa Butter since week 5. And haven’t gained much weight. I suggest you invest in such creams and start applying ASAP!

6y trước

Can share picture. Thks

O there’s no particular time ... for me I got them in the 8th month all together with no prior warning ! They say it’s genetic so if your mums had it, it’s very likely you will get them too.

Third trimester probably, but some don't even have stretch marks! Just start applying anti stretch mark cream from second trimester! And all the way post pregnancy!

I tot stretch mark cream is for use after deliver. It was only late 2nd tri then i start apply, so far so good. Maybe will appear later nearer to edd

Depending on the elasticity of your skin! Mine was not until I was on week 36! I thought I'd never get them!

it really depends on individual. just religiously apply your stretch mark oil and hope it never appears! :)

Super Mom

Mine after delivery then the stretch marks appear :( didn’t apply any stretch marks cream beforehand

Varies.. For my 1st and 3rd, only appear from week 35 onwards.. 2nd one appeared from week 30