17 Replies

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Some MIL just keen to play with children and Not takecare of children. My step-MIL before I got pregnant told me she will do confinement for me, take care of baby for me bla bla bla. Then when I got pregnant, she got sooo happy. Then upon labour, she told me she need to 'see-first' if she can apply leave anot. She didn't do my confinement end of the day (I requested for 1 week so I can have proper rest after csect), never even visit me when I was in the hospital. Of course I'm not mad, but just disappointed because word is cheap. But thankfully she didn't take care also, cos I realized she can't even hold my baby properly when she came to see baby for the very first time at my place till now lol. Previously told me she has experience with babies all these ? Best is to always have a back up plan. They aren't obligated to takecare of OUR children too. So ya lor, just let it go and hurry find another solution. Take care!

Its obvious that she doesnt want to take care of your baby so i wouldnt do so if i were you. With her lack of interest and sincerity in caring for your child, she might make mistakes and hurt your child in the process, unintentionally. Move out and send your child to an infant care if you really cant cope. Being apart from your mil will give you a peace of mind and no heartpain as well.

Super Mum

Sometimes we have to remember that it is our own bby and not our in laws or parents. They are just doing a huge favor to help us take care of our bby. Nowadays, us parents feels that we are entitled. As they have the right to choose to take care or not to. In my opinion, i think we cant say who is right or wrong as bby is our responsibility.

VIP Member

Are you staying with her? Plan to stay on your own and don't depend on anyone else to raise or takecare baby. That way is more tough, but its way more hassle free. You call your own shots. Whenever you ask for help "beggers can't choose" thats why... I always try to be independent on my own. Then no need to face other people's treatments.. Jiayou.

We are still waiting for hdb to release the key to us. However they are taking way too long... but i am going back to work next month. And my hub already asked her to take care until baby is 18 months

VIP Member

I'm sorry to hear that you have a horrible mil.. It is terrible that she locked you and baby outside the house! It sounds like she doesn't really care about the baby too. Are you sure you feel baby is safe in her hand when you are back to work? As for the hdb key release, probably you can try to write a letter to hdb to expedite.

It’s quite obvious your MIL is not willing to take care of your baby. Are you able to look into infant care, nanny service, hire a helper or alternative help from your own parents? Unfortunately end of the day it’s only a bonus if they can help as the child is our own responsibility.

VIP Member

move out and dont let her involve all baby care or carry cos she so not willingly thor..... better move out or stay out from her with ur baby, or else in future she's gonna involve and interrupt child future education also.

VIP Member

Haizzz ...Feel for you:( Do reconsider about asking your mil to look after your baby. Also best to ask your husband to talk to your mil to iron out any issues before it gets worse.

VIP Member

If MIL is not willing to take care, it’s best to find a helper or send to infant care or take care of yourself. Taking care of baby needs patience and attention.

VIP Member

Move out asap and arrange for alternative care for your LO. Sounds like she is incapable of caring for your LO on her own. Cannot just leave LO to her "care".

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