Mums what would you do if you had 1 hour uninterrupted guilt-free me-time?

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1 hour is too short, but maybe id love going oit looking for good food :)

Thành viên VIP

Watch an episode of suits while getting a pedicure and hair wash done!

9y trước

oh yeah!! Two goodies in one !

read or sleep, as 1 hour is too less to go out and do anything else.

Facial and spa treatment. I miss them so so so so so so much.

huhuhu just an HOUR??.. 😂😂 kidding aside i will sleep..

get lots of uninterrupted sleep..

Now i pregnant 36 week..mybe 5/11 i ceazer

Hang out with my friends and have a night out

SLEEP, even though the time is insufficient.

Thành viên VIP

SLEEP Is the only thing i can think of ..