Baby Not Close To Father

Hi Mummys, My baby is 10+ mths.. But she is not close to the father, if the father carry her she will cry.. Is it common?

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Super Mom

Just get him to carry her and play with her more.. it’ll be alright after a while:) Since she’s quite big already, if he’s carrying her and she starts crying, don’t take her back from him immediately. Let him have some time to talk to her, play with her and make her feel comfortable:)

sometimes my daughter also like that. whenever she’s with me... she’s ok but when her father took her, she will scream or cry. I guess it’s normal.... I tend to let them be... they need more bonding

Hi, Yes it can happen as the babies tend to attach more when a lot of time os spent with them. If the dad spends more time with then baby, she will start getting attached :)

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If Daddy spent less time with baby then might have this problem.. Let's ur husband play with her more then should be ok

maybe he didnt spend enough time with her. let them play together more

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daddy need to spend more time w her, carry her

Daddy needs to spend more time with her

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Ask daddy go play more