9 Replies

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when my baby was 1-2 months she had a colic, need to elevate upper part of the body, so I let her sleep at rocker day and night, but eventually moved her back to her cot after it settled

VIP Member

Baby was in rocker at infant care during day time, but ok to sleep on bed at night. Depends on individual baby.

My baby also sleep in the rocker during daytime but sleep on our bed in the evening. No problem with her.

I think it should be fine as babies adapt quickly. The pace might way from individual to individual

Rocker only during nap time for my LO. And he wants to be pat during night time. Is fine!

My LO can't seem to sleep in the cot at night. Once I pat her to sleep and put her down she start crying. What should I do 😭

VIP Member

I think it's fine, babies adapt quite well(:

VIP Member

should be ok. depends on your baby.

VIP Member

I believe it depends on baby.

VIP Member

Should be fine :)

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