Oral glucose tolerance test
Any mummy doing oral glucose tolerance test at kk woman hospital before? Because next week i will be going for this test

Hi... The oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was the gold standard for making the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. It is still commonly used during pregnancy for diagnosing gestational diabetes. With an oral glucose tolerance test, the person fasts overnight (at least 8 hours, but not more than 16 hours)
Read moreI done it mths ago... edd is 3 weeks ltr.... Fast 10hrs b4 test... then they will give a bottle of orange drink n draw blood... after that draw another 2x after 1hr each.... cannot eat but sip of plain water allowed... better dun vomit... if not have to redo the test again... need to endure...
I done it at KKH. Just need to fast at 12mn. They will draw your blood 3 times. First draw before taking the orange syrup. Subsequent is every hour. Cant eat until you’re done with the last draw. So it’ll be good to eat before you fast.
If cant eat,i will vomit, can drink plain water?
I done it. Need fasting the day before but you may take slip of water. After you took the glucose drink, you still need to fast for 2 hours, slip of drink is ok to take during that period too.
Yes I did it few weeks ago. Have to fast and they will take ur first blood test. Drink the glucose drink. One hour later and 2 hours later take blood tests again.
Blood test, followed by drinking a horribly sweet liquid, then blood test 1 and 2hrs later. No need to wait for results.
As long as u don't vomit out the orange yucky drink after your first blood test, it should be fine.
Mine is private gynae. Failed e test and im gdm..
Yes I have done it. Do you have any concerns?
Im doing it next week! 💪🏻