My bumps too small

Hi mummies, Im turning 27 weeks of ?? & some of my friends get shock because of my bumps are too small.... Does anyone encounter this too??

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Thành viên VIP

same! even now "huh srsly?! how is this tummy 9months?' well just take it as a positive reactions hahaha it means youve fit body 😉

Yes, my bump was really small even on the month of my delivery, I can easily hide the bump with just an oversized hoodie.

I was about to give birth in a week time and a store lady thought I just entered my second trimester only

as long as baby is healthy, the size of the bump does not matter. 😊 jia you fellow mummy! 😉

Thành viên VIP

Same, but the bump will be obvious after that. If gynae say baby is growing well, don’t worry.

small bump too but do not let those comments bring you down.. as long as baby healthy

Thành viên VIP

me. my friends and even husband keep say my bump v small 😐

People will say too small, too big etc. Just ignore.

Yes some mommy doesn't have big bump

Thành viên VIP

its normal to have small bump.