37 weeks and dilemma
Hi mummies I am FTM I am not sure if i want to go for natural delivery or c sect, my constipation today i think made small tear near my anus it’s sting when kena water. If a hard poop can make the skin tear easily then isnt the childbirth will make me tear even more to the point reach 3rd or 4th degree? 🙁 I know i have to decide asap but c sect ppl say recovery is slower😵💫

For me my csect recovery was smooth. I even went in and out of the house aft discharge to go to the hospital to breastfeed baby who was in NiCU for jaundice. For me the most painful was actually the epidural injection. When the epi wore off, I had bad shivers but this really depends on individual. Some mommies dont even have any effect. While recovering in the hospital, I just pop painkillers so I didn't really feel much pain. It's just fear of having the wound tear but it didn't. I hardly have any visible scar cz I put silicone sheet every day on the scar wound when I was bck home in hospital. I know some people had their wounds still wet and bled even aft several weeks but lucky for me I didn't. Likely also cz my gynae did a good job of stitching for me. At my first appt aft birth, my gynae alr opened up my wound cover since my wound had healed well. Overall my childbirth was an uneventful one. During the surgery I cld still feel tugging when they took out baby. I opted for half GA so that I cld at least see and experience childbirth. Oh mine is planned csect cz baby was estimated 3.8kg but no dilation at all. Though I'm hoping that my 2nd one now I cld go for vbac, just for the experience of having natural birth 😅
Read moreAt this point yes you will feel constipation often, highly advice to take lactulose to soften bowels. You will experience tearing if you lift your butt during pregnancy and causing tearing till anus. Therefore require stitches. Also on the other hand tearing happened when baby's big or somehow rather it happened (I mean it cant be avoided). However, if you prefer to have C Section, you may consult your gynae/doctor. I do know of some mummies afraid of birth through vaginal and therefore took the C Section. No harm in choosing this birth method. Recovery yes may take long, but it all depends on body, yourself and physically how strong you are. This same goes with vaginal esp after you have stitches. I mean both have stitches, just wear you get it. Abdominal and Vagina 😅 So you can perhaps think, discuss and choose what suits you best and your situation. This taking in consideration baby weight, position and advice from gynae. All the best.
Read moreI had frequent tears from constipation, sometimes I cry in the toilet cause my poop got stucked at my a** for a good half an hour and I can’t do anything. However, my entire delivery was painless from the pain reliefs offered. Post recovery wise was good too, no long pain except for the first night after delivery for a few hours. I was also able to pee/poop well within the same week. I was also walking normally (no more duck waddling) after the 3rd day. According to my husband (he helped me apply the creams) my tear was almost nearing my anus but it didn’t hurt since there is painkillers given. I initially wanted Csect with GA but comparing 1 tear (got chance of no tear) vs being cut up 5-6 layers, I eventually decided to go with natural.
Read moreMine was a second degree cause my epidural dosage was too high I couldn’t feel anything so I just 敢敢 push 😂. By the time I was done I was feeling damn weak from the side effects of epidural so I was busy puking while being stitched.
I had constipation throughout my whole pregnancy. There was once the 💩 got stuck at the exit and there was nothing I could do but wait. The tear, yes, it stings. Ask gynae for help. I was given fibre drink. I opt for c sect cause I know it’s impossibly for me to endure long hours of labour. Recovery is smooth with no bleeding at the wound and I’m healing well. The most painful experience was the day after c sect, when I needed to walk, that’s omg but still manageable. Bed rest for the first week when I got home, painkillers was a big help. I could walk up and down the stairs.
Read morei went thru natural birth for my 1st born. had a small tear and some stitch. actually the wound is not that painful since gt painkiller. heals really fast to be honest. but i find the cleaning a challenge as i cant really see the vaginal. need my husband to help most of the time. peeing and pooping is manageable. its painful usually when i try to sit. although csect heal slower, i think its easier to manage the wound without help post delivery. i may consider csect for my 2nd baby in feb nxt yr coz i wan to be able to sit and rest comfortably. 🤣
Read moreI went with natural delivery, no regrets. There will be slight stinging sensation and discomfort down there for about a month. Nothing unbearable. But at least I was able to carry my baby and walk around 3 days after delivery. Post pregnancy, it took about 6 months for my body to feel like it has gone back to it's normal pre pregnancy state, and it was a gradual process. Be patient and mentally prepare yourself that recovery will take time, regardless of the option you choose. Good luck
Read morenot sure if its due to gynae or individuals. friends who went for c sect : some told me no pain from 2nd day for all her 3 births , some told me super painful and will opt for natural if possible heard gynae stitching skills helps too my gynae is pro natural so I just went with it. i was able to walk to the toilet to poop without any help or pain about 2-3hrs after giving birth. no pain when pee, poop or sit even after not taking any painkillers the 2nd day
Read moreTalk to ur gynae, believe they have some meds for constipation. Drink loads of water n eat a lot of greens! I wanted to try natural birth, induce for 3 days, unable to and went under emergency C-sect. Recovery is much slower, especially when my baby cries, and I almost went into depression coz can’t get up from my bed without help (due to tenosynovitis on both wrist) coz of the useless confinement nanny that I can’t trust
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Young mummy of two beautiful girls Loves to travel, ✈