Falling while pregnant

Hi mummies, just wondering. Should i consult the doctor and GP or go to hospital straight because of a fall? I fell from a moving e-scooter(wet floor) and have swollen ankle. I cant put pressure on my heel. Any advice?

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Thành viên VIP

OMG. ME TOO! I fall while riding a e-scooter during my first trimester and my tummy hit the floor and I went to the doctor, luckily nothing! You should seek a doctor just to make sure your baby is all good

I would say if you have fallen...please do see a doctor... its vital to know everything is ok or not and also for your leg.. Hope you are alright by now

I would go to the hospital if it is so swollen that you can't even put weight on it. At least you can get an Xray done.

5y trước

X-ray? Think preggy woman can't do x-ray...

You may go to a doctor first to check everything. If there is a need, they can refer u to a hospital.

Super Mom

Yes better to get such issues checked out by a medical professional

Thành viên VIP

Better to check ur gp.. can’t take unprescribed medication ..

Influencer của TAP

Best to have a doctor check-up just to be sure

Thành viên VIP

Falls are scary, best to check with gynae

Thành viên VIP

I think better go hospital for a check.

Thành viên VIP

Best to go to hospital to see a doctor