Which weeks safe to have sex during pregnancy?
Hi mummies which weeks that are safe to have sex during pregnancy? Did any of you have sex during second to third trimester? And need use condom? Husband is too scared to hurt the baby so we havent had sex since the day i found out im preggy🤣🤣 Now 7months - about 30 weeks.. my gynae is a male so im not sure if appropriate to ask this kind of question lol

My gynae said sex is no problem throughout pregnancy 🤣 We also try to be make up all the lost sex from 1st tri as my drive was totally off but reach 2nd tri i became so horny all the time until i found a new position that i nvr thought of but really like it now… in my 2nd tri somehow i enjoy alot of deep n hard everyday… so far no issue on my pregnancy… unless u feel any pain or got spotting/bleeding then pls stop the deed n rest from sex for 2-3 days.
Read morehi mummy! me & my hubby asked my gynae this qn when i just found out im pregnant and he said its safe to have sex no matter which trimesters we only have sex during 2nd & 3rd trimesters as I don't have any sex drive during 1st trimester🤣🤣 we did it with & without condoms, it doesn't matter at first im shy to ask this kind of qn too as my gynae is also a male but we are all adults la hor🤣so don't be shy just ask any qn if in doubt😁
Read moreSafe to have sex from second trimester onwards esp nearing to EDD. Baby's covered with amniotic sac hence need not worry. But be gentle, experiment with position that suits you best or comfortable esp since we have baby bump. You may also click on this link to read more https://www.healthhub.sg/live-healthy/984/pregnancy-sex-in-pregnancy
Read moreIm currently 22 weeks, I honestly still have sex thruout my pregnancy right from first trim. I would skip those days when i dont feel too good. just have to be careful not to have a rough sex. And i dont think the husband would need to use condom. And plus baby is inside an amniotic sac.
Woah, massive restraint on your husband part to go sex free for 7 months! Haha Generally, it's safe to have sex during pregnancy unless you have low-lying placenta or placenta previa. Skip the condoms and save them for after giving birth instead. Hehe All the best!
Read moreYes it’s safe unless your Gynae say it’s risky. I still had sex with my hubs just no penetrating ones tho it feels weird to be doing it when my baby bump was so huge in 3rd trimester haha
no issue laa. u can have sex anytime u want. as long as not too rough and ure not having placenta previa😁