Food for babies
Hello mummies! Are there simple yet good recipes for babies? Like 9 months and above? I am trying to make some simple porridge or something for my baby. Thank you!

Hi mama, I thought this website proposed a number of options for your LO: Honestly I like to mix it up - introduce different foods within dishes like baby pasta, baby shepherds pie… Thought some of these were interesting: You don’t have to use the ingredients they use - sub it out for something you can easily get your hands on and something that tastes good with the dish. The Philip avent website has some info too! I think there’s a downloadable app to provide recipe ideas. Hope this helps
Read moreThere are plenty. I used to make simple porridge. Rice, water, potatoes or carrots or sweet potatoes. Boil it till soft and add Lilo seasonings. Then i blend it all in a baby food processor. You can purchase the lilo seasonings here:
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