Induce experience

Hi mummies out there. Please share your experience if you’ve ever been induced. Like what time did you go in. Or if you’re induced at labour ward? Am inducing at KKH. #adviceplease

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FTM without any complications and was recently induced at KKH at 40 weeks as I had no signs of labour and my baby was on the slightly bigger size for my physique. General advice is as what most people had mentioned, extra pain will be experienced from the stimulated contractions and there's chances of the inducing fails. Had to be mentally prepared to kept getting painful cervix checks as some doctors on duty can get pretty rough and the experience may get traumatizing. Be open-minded for all suitable pain management available and C-Sec if inducing is not working well as you won't be discharged until the baby is born. Here's a sharing of what I went through as a private ward (A1) patient for failed induction and uh, I think long labour?: Prior to admission, I had done my pre-admission papers at week 36 as recommended. The Ob arranged for induction on the following day after my week 40th visit as there wasn't any available slots on the day of my visit. There's 10am and 2pm slot to choose from or whichever available for non-emergency ones. I personally find the afternoon slot rather wasteful as you will still be charged for 1 day stay, try to take the morning ones if possible. Day of Admission and Induction: Was admitted at about mid afternoon and brought to the day surgery ward (shared ward) to get the induction medication inserted. And monitored for the entire afternoon (mid-afternoon to dinner) before they sent me back to my assigned bed once available. The monitoring continued from there throughout the 24 hours. I experienced lots of on and off painful contractions during the first 10 to 12 hours or so but not dilated enough for labour. And I was sent down to the triage area in the delivery suite to wait for an available labour ward for pain management (the gas and the jab, didn't need epidural at that point) and also due to baby heart rate is a little too stimulated from the inducing. Spent the night in the labour ward because of the pain and monitoring later on after taking the thigh jab. Do tell your accompanying partner/ mother/sister to wear something warm as the labour ward is cold for them. And I was back at my bed until the 24th hour (2nd day) when I opt to induce with a stronger medicine later on for another 6 hours of monitoring. Much painful but not really in labour kind of pain throughout this 6 hours. Induction failed as there's not enough dilation because the baby was actually too big to go down. The rest is all about the process to get an emergency C-section to give birth.

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5mo trước

if my memories don't fail, baby is fully under his or her medisave as well if both parents and baby are citizens

was induced at NUH. bb came out only on 3rd day after induce. natural delivery. for me, the painful part was checking for dilation and I realised the way different nurse checks matters. during my long inducing process, I had checks every few hrs from 2 nurses. one of them was gentle, doesnt hurt much, the other uses force like she is washing bowls or what 1st day insert pills . got wheeled up and down every few hrs to check dilation as my private ward and the induce ward is at different levels. for me, the first pill didnt work 2nd day, insert another pill. repeated the checking process up and down. started bleeding at night, went to check, dilation only 2cm. nurse mention minimum 3cm for epidural... dragged until 3rd day morn as dilation was slow. finally managed to get epidural. pushed for a good nearly 2 hrs before delivery, didnt had much strength left so gynae had to get a few medical staff to come in and push my stomach

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I was induced at KKH. Subsidised patient. This is my 3rd full-term pregnancy. Admitted to KKH observation ward at 2pm. I had the prostin pills inserted at 2.30pm. By then, I was 3cm dilated. Contractions began almost instantly for me. Was sent to delivery suite at 4pm. 5pm I received epidural, 7pm checked 4cm dilated. Was told that my cervix was still thick and high. but contractions are good and on track. To let them know when I start feeling pressure down below. 10.30pm baby slid out of me. Felt contractions but no pain, no ring of fire, no pressure below. Suddenly felt something next to my thighs. Nurse flipped the blanket covering my legs and saw baby was already out. But I had 2nd degree tear in the perineum. Didn't feel anything during stitching as well. All pain and after pains contractions felt from 2.30am. Then it was quite miserable for me... 😰

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Was induced in NUH delivery suite, induced because waters broke but no real contractions yet. Whole labour was 28hours long, super painful for the whole of the second half (5pm to 5am) after 3rd tablet inserted until they finally started epidural for me. But effect of epidural only lasted 2+hours and soon I felt like I was feeling the full force of contractions even with epidural ☠️ probably because I had not much water left inside for cushioning 😓. Pushed out baby in under 1 hour! With the help of the nurse and my husband helping to hold legs haha. Advise to expect pain 🥲 rest when you can, just sleep when they start epidural, reserve energy for pushing at the end!!

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1y trước

were u allowed to eat?? I mean that's more than 24hrs.

I was induced for my firstborn. baby refused to come out at 40wks and i had gdm. Induced at 8pm at special ward, sent to normal ward. 10pm started having contractions. By midnight contractions was so strong that waterbag burst so was brought to labour ward however i was only 1cm dilated. 16hrs of wait before baby was finally born. According to nurses there, that timing is normal for 1st time mothers and dilation are usually not as fast. Induction experience = strong contractions. I heard from others who have experienced both induced and natural that the contraction strength is vy diff for these 2.

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Gave birth 2 months ago in KKH! Waterbag leaked at 9 in the morning at 39 weeks. Went to the hospital, but was only 1cm dilated. Induced in observation room at roughly around 12pm as I was bleeding and had to wait 5-6 hours(if I could recall clearly) to see if cervix open. I was pushed to labour room an hour after I was induced and remained there until I gave birth at midnight. Oh and I opted for Epidural as the contraction was so strong but I was only 3cm dilated after the whole 6 hours. And the checking of cervix opening was traumatizing for me. I hated it so much!

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Mine was induced at TMC. I was asked to go in at 11pm, I went in at 1150pm cause I’m scared lol! They will put you in the labour ward to check for baby’s heart rate and also start the inducing process here (insertation of pills). When you’re halfway or almost dilated, they will wheel you up to delivery suite to prepare for labour. My entire process took 6 hours. However, I cannot assure if KKH works the same, just sharing my own experience. Overall the entire process till birth didn’t hurt as I requested for laughing gas before epidural.

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2y trước

After. Before they insert I didn’t have contractions. Contractions only started awhile after they insert the pills.

Mine was induced at TMC. I was asked to go in at 11pm, I went in at 1150pm cause I’m scared lol! They will put you in the labour ward to check for baby’s heart rate and also start the inducing process here (insertation of pills). When you’re halfway or almost dilated, they will wheel you up to delivery suite to prepare for labour. My entire process took 6 hours. However, I cannot assure if KKH works the same, just sharing my own experience.

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I was induced recently fir second child at KKH, my experience is very fast.. First day, 4pm check in, 6pm insert the tablet, then transfer to ward if theres available rooms already.. they will be keep on checking on you if how is your pain level. second day, 5am suppose to transfer to labour room but no bed yet so transfered at 6am then the water bag broke then later give birth. Natural birth. Third day rest and go home in the afternoon,

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I was brought into the labour ward to start inducing. about 6 hours later went into delivery ward