Baby fussy when drinking

Hi mummies, my LO usually very tam jiak and has been drinking well and alot since birth. Now he is 7 weeks old. However recently he started to become fussy when drinking..drink stop drink stop den dun wan to drink..tried change to slower teat or faster teat still same..wondering wads wrong? Attached feeding details..or should breastfeed better? I am using avent bottle teat size 0 and size 1, should I change to size 2 teat? However I am trying to give him slower flow teat as I wan to train him back to breastfeed. He also vomitted the milk out.

Baby fussy when drinking
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Thành viên VIP

Seem like a lot for 7 weeks baby. Maybe too full so he stopped or drank less than usual?

Thành viên VIP

Hi new mama, want to share a video with you. Hope it helps

4y trước

Thanks mummy! Seems most of the symptoms but not all same as my baby

Thành viên VIP

If you have breastmilk that is always better...first choice always.

Super Mom

Try to test if it’s the milk temperature. Maybe too cold or hot

4y trước

Hmmm I think temperature should be fine as I always tested on my inner wrist before giving to LO

try slowly and not force. maybe growth spurt

Influencer của TAP

Might be growth sprut