Worried FTM

Hi mummies, I'm a ftm and a pretty young one too - 22yo. I'm worried im not able to cope caring for my LO all by myself! My mother has to work as well as my husband, and I'm left with my MIL. But i don't quite like the way she is n how she keeps doing/saying things as tho she wants to take my child from me (very long story). Should i just put my ego down n close both eyes n let my MIL take care of my LO or should i just take care of her myself? My concern is, sometimes my LO cries a lot when she's not sleeping and ive done everything -burping, changing diaper, feeding. but she still cries... which kind of stresses me n I'm so tired from pumping every 2hours if not I'll have engorgement which is also very uncomfortable.

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How old is you little one? Do you feel confident in your ability to care for him/ her alone? If you do and you have doubts about your Mum in law and your relationship, I suggest to handle it yourself and ask your mum in law for help a couple of days a week for a few hours so you have some time out :)

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