Breech Baby
Hi mummies. I’m currently 34+1 pregnant. My baby’s head is on my right, butt on my bladder and legs on my left. Should I opt for csect or just proceed with normal birth in case baby decides to turn head down days before labour? However if baby is still in breech position, I’ll go with emergency c sect. Any experience mummies out there? I’m getting so worried.

proceed with normal. i badly wanted normal but even till the end she wanted to be breech even after doing ecv(twice but bby decide to go back to her comfy spot), exercises, talk to bby. did everything i could but nopes she refused. ended up with waterbag burst at 38wks and have to ecsect. bt at least you knw you did whtever could to wait/make her turn. try asking gynae if they cn do ecv for you. some bby might even turn heads down at the last min. before proceeding for ecsect, they will do final scan to see bby position
Read moreI had the same condition by the 37 weeks baby stil didnt turn so i opted for a schedule c-sect. Even if you opt for a schedule c-sect during your opt date they will do a scan before opt and in an event where by the baby turns you have an option to proceed with opt or go on a normal delivery. My baby was stubborn she didnt want to turn even after doing traditional massage.
Read morestill have time to turn. My case was water bag broke at 36 weeks in breech position then can't be helped must emergency c section.
proceed with normal. my baby was breech even at 36 weeks, still got time for them to turn