Send me some love mummies☹️☹️☹️

Hi mummies, I’m alone in the room while baby is sleeping. I just wanna rant things out. I’ve got no one to talk to, even my husband, and this feeling sucks. We both are having different opinions lately and tent to quarrel after that, not talking to each other for the next few days nor even a text msg or phone call for the day. My hubby is holding onto a work permit now awaiting for his PR….. which makes him feeling moody lately as things don’t go well for us. I know I can’t do anything for now, I’m always the one who apologise after every quarrel or so, i gave in a lot but why my man can’t. At times like this I really wanna stay out but no, I’ve got a infant with me, who’s gonna take care of my child when I’m not around. Men can just go out whole day ignore whatsoever when they reach home, shake leg play phone! It’s never the same as before, before we had our first child, I don’t know why, I’m lose too☹️ Sorry for the wordy post, but I need some love from mummies, I can’t control myself wiping tears while typing….

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Hello. Hugs. I can totally relate to you. You know sometimes talking to each other and express how you feel will definitely be better than keeping it to yourself. I was like you too, hiding myself in the room and constantly asking myself why does he not understand the s*** I went through. I gave birth to our baby and I need to do everything by myself without any help from him. Though he did help a lil but it’s not enough for me. Then when covid hits, his job was affected and then with our newborn at that time, it can be overwhelming for the two of us more so for me. So each time when there’s a quarrel I would always say sorry not just because I’m wrong, it’s just because I don’t wanna prolong any quarrels, so sick and tired of it. We quarrelled almost everyday! If you need someone to talk please do hit me up. My insta is giinqer

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