12 Replies

It's different for everybody and for each pregnancy. Your milk might be coming in later but even if it doesn't, it's not the end of the world. Don't stress because your baby can feel your emotion and it will cause them to be upset too. The most important thing now is to keep a positive thinking and good self recovery so that you can take good care of your baby. If there's no breast milk then just use formula, these days, formula is just as good. Jiayou!

I also just give birth at nuh, i dont have milk too and its not the first time happening to, all my other babies too. Will only have milk flow after a few days to one week. I just massage my breast n latch baby to stimulate. Other than that i ask the nurses to top up formula milk and i standby formula milk at home. So dont be stressed ya, its really okay. Take care mummy!

You may want to consider lactation experts like Madam Partum. I know for NUH they have a breastfeeding number that you can contact for any issues that you face during breastfeeding after discharge

Don't give yourself so much pressure! Give your baby formula while you continue to try and pump cause I think it is a supply and demand thing, so as long as you don't stop there will be a chance where your supply will kick in. I am still weeks from being a mum, so I can't give you first hand advice. But hang in there!

Hey babe! I’m in the same situation now. Everytime bb just refuse to latch cos no milk ☹️I’m feeding formula milk while pumping every 2-3hrs to stimulate the supply.

And this. Maybe can give these a try. And do rmmbr to massage the breast before latching. The massage that the nurses taught us. Take care.

Continue to latch and pump every 3-4 hours the milk will come usually after 1st or 2nd week.. don’t give up.. jia you


Stay calm!! Keep latching, ur body amazingly will produce more milk in no time!! More Milo, Logan tea..


do you have let down feel? how old is your baby do you feel engorged?

hi mummy relax. breastmilk takes about 1 week to kick in before that is colostrum which is very good for baby. just keep trying to stimulate your milk kick in.

Super Mum

Hey mama, please contact BMSG https://breastfeeding.org.sg

keep latching and don't give up. jiayou mummy!

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