Laundry, sterilise..

Hi mummies! I am a first time mother here, just wanna check in how do you wash your newborn clothes? i am using the washing machine as i do not have the energy & patience to hand wash.. do you seperate new & hands down or just wash them altogether is fine? and for new bottles, what are the ways you sterilise them?

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We hand wash baby’s clothes (new and hand down) with kodomo detergent. We bought a xiaomi mini washer (can get from Shopee) for lazy days can just dump everything inside. For bottles, we washed and then use our Haenim uv sterilizer to dry and sterilized them. I think uv sterilizer is a great investment! Even after baby grow up, u don’t need to sterilize their bottles, u can sterilized their toys, your phone or any other things..

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