Hi mummies. I bf but I just drank 1 cup of coffee. Can I still bf or do I need to give interval?
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I guess no harm breastfeeding but next time can try to drink ur coffee immediately after u breastfed so tat there is some interval
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Hi... you can drink coffee probably once a day. Please have 2-3 hours before you breastfeed.
Hi, Please have a gap of atleast 2 hours before you breastfeed again
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Need to give interval of at least 2 hours before breastfeeding again
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Yes u can. No need to worry. I drink bubble tea while bfing too.
Best to have an interval of 2hours before your breastfeeding
When in doubt, drink right after you breastfeed
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Maybe an hr or two interval should be fine
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Best is wait for awhile before u bf
I will still bf It’s not alcohol
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