
Hi mummies. I am 9 weeks going 10 weeks. It seems that My nausea is getting worst. I can vomit 5-6 times a day. Is it normal?

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Hi, im at week 10. My morning sickness started at week4. Thereafter, it was whole day sickness, meaning i can vomit at every meal. Then around week5 to current, im still vomiting like 5x to 10x per day. Get diclectin from ur gynae. It helps. I took the pills on alternate days becux i dun wana depend so much on it. But when i dunt take it, i vomit even once i get up from the bed in the morning without any food intake.

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6y trước

Hi just to check do u get headache when those days u don't take diclectin. I am also taking it. I attempted to stop the medication during my second trimester. Morning I will vomit once and I will throbbing headache which lasted me for the whole day. Twice I attempted and this happens

It's normal... For both my pregnancies I vomited countless times. I couldn't even drink water. I even vomited blood (yes blood). I was admitted in hospital for both my pregnancies. If u really can't take it. Ask gynae for diclectin. It's effective. Take care.

That is normal for 1st trimester... i ever vomit 24 times in 1 day and end up in A&E in the night cause i was weak... they observe me... but as long as u keep urself hydrated it is fine 😊

It’s normal. Some experienced even worse morning sickness and can persist till final trimester. My sis-in-law is one of this case.

Influencer của TAP

Yes it will normally only get better after 2nd tri. Do take nausea pills from your gynae to help you keep some food at least.

Normal. Inform ur gynae and they can prescribe u something to sooth the nausea. Meanwhile, u can take sourplum

Its normal for my wife... she didnt manage to get the food down ... But her MS got better in 2nd trimester

Super Mom

Hmm.. if going this rate, will lose weight.inform ur gynae so tht can prescribe medication for u

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Hi... you might find this article informative https://sg.theasianparent.com/morning-sickness

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Yes, it may persist for awhile longer. But it will be over soon!