Hi mummies, I’m at week 9 day 6 and my nausea seem to be at it’s peak. Today I vomited 4 times and couldn’t stomach much of my food.

Other days I didn’t vomit at all. Will it get worse from here?

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I was sick in my whole first trimester from week 4 onwards. Was nauseous and had fever but only knew i was pregnant when i was 8 weeks in. I was on med to stop my vomiting cuz it was so bad and i had to work.. currently in my 18 weeks and still feel a little nauseous.

I had the same issue. It gets better in 2nd tri... Hang in there... What i did was ate dry crackers/toasts/ potato chips /dry cereal and drink ginger tea/peppermint tea.. hope it helps Take care 😘😘

Probably better after week 12. I didn’t have bad morning sickness before week 9, but started to have less appetite, giddiness and headaches between weeks 9-12. Slowly became better thereafter.

First trimester is the worst. Mine went away during the 2nd trimester and my vomiting went away and appetite increased. For now just try eating whenever you can, fruits etc

Super Mom

I don’t have nausea but I gag all the time. It peak at wk 10 and continue for a while. Once I reach wk 12, it become better and to none by the wk 15

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First trimester is the worst. second trimester, for me, it goes away but return @ 3rd trimester.. however not as bad as first

Don't worry, once 2nd trimester will be much better, but for my case, it took 5 months until I am better 😭

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All the best! If it gets too severe, you can let your gynae know. They can dispense some meds to alleviate it

Thành viên VIP

Trimester 1 is toughest for me too. It would get better!

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Will get better after your body adjusts to the hormones