Vomit every single day
Hi fellow mommies, should I be worried because I have been vomiting every single day since Week 8? I am about 14 weeks now.. Only have nausea in the morning while brushing but it has become a “routine” to vomit every single night before bedtime. I can’t really control it. I’m worried that my baby is not getting the nutrients he needs.

I had the same symptoms during my first trimester too! Started at week 6 for me, I only found out I was pregnant when I was so severely dehydrated and had to be admitted into the hospital. But the nausea ended 2 weeks into 2nd trimester (~week 14). It was 3 months of hell, couldn’t eat or drink anything the whole day, couldn’t even smell food. Even the anti nausea pills that gynae recommended didn’t work on me at all. I lost a lot of weight in my first trimester. My gynae told me not to worry about baby as my body has reserves, but it is a must to keep drinking water. Ensure that you’re well hydrated, keep some small snacks like biscuits or small bread with you, or drink soup. Celebrate the little tiny food you swallow! Things will get better with time! Just get all the rest you need, drink up and eat small. :) you’re not alone! You can do this!
Read moreTake in plenty of fluids if you cannot eat anything. The nausea doesn't affect the baby also the baby doesn't absorb any nutrients from the food you consume for the 1st 3-4 mths. Baby will still grow cos your body will provide the necessary even if you're not eating or drinking anything, just make sure you're not dehydrated. During my 1st trimester, I vomited so much and lost 6kgs. Could only drink soup and juice throughout but the baby was fine and growing well. The vomiting stopped when I was 18 weeks and I could eat abit. I'm currently 39 weeks but my appetite is still very bad, I can only eat very little selection of food which is mostly bread, fish, noodles. Thankfully, the baby is weighing 3kg and is healthy *touchwood*. So don't worry too much, all will be well.
Read moreI had the same problem as u when i was in my first tri too! Had to puke before bed or else I will feel so nausea and uncomfortable. Some nights i threw up an entire bag of my dinner too. Dont worry, baby will be fine! I am now in 31 weeks and so far gynae says baby progress is doing well ☺️ Second tri will be better!
Read moreAs long as you are not dehydrated it's okay! Baby will still grow well. My nausea and morning sickness lasted from Week 6 to Week 22 and I lost weight in first trimester but baby has been growing well! Just take in any food and drinks that you can keep in. Diclectin helped me to keep food in too!
went through the same thing but worse , in and out of hospital due to dehydration from vomiting. Everyday, every hour of the day for mine. Drink lots of water, SIPS OF WATER if h cant retain much. H20 non carbonated drink helped me. Also eat small frequent meals. Jiayou mummy❤️❤️
i had the same situation even until now(am in wk33) . my appeetite isnt good and also resist to meat. baby weigh 2.3kg now. Most impt, we mummy have to be positive cause baby is stronger than we think.
I vomited every day too. could not eat anything so I took some ginger water and chew clove which helped alot. I am now 32 weeks baby girl is healthy. So don't worry eat fruits, nuts, drink water.
It's normal . My vomiting stop until I'm 24 weeks . Sometimes even vomited all my food out . My baby now alrdy 10days old . she born healthy weighing 2.68kg at 37weeks . Dont worry too much.
If you vomit alot it wont really affect baby. I was having my bad morning sickness up til week 18/19 🥴 keep vomiting extreme gagging. But now baby is 4 months old healthy as ever!
I vomit all the way till 1 month before giving birth…. 😂 no matter what I eat, I vomit. Baby came out fine…