Will food aversion get better after first trimester?

Hello mummies, i am 11 weeks and still having food aversion. Curious if there is light after the tunnel, will food aversion get better after 12 weeks?

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yes!! my appetite came back around week 13, first trimester I had strong aversion to veges, eggs, meat and even bread. at the start i couldnt even see or smell those food. around week 12/13 I started to be able to eat those. I eat these everyday now ☺️👍

for my first and second pregnancy, i only had better appetite after 21 weeks. however, for my second pregnancy, i didnt have much appetite. don't worry too much if you are losing weight too. just as long as you and baby are healthy.

sometimes it won't . for me I really cannot stand petai beans 🫛 and milk pudding, which used to be my favourite foods. gets better only after 20 weeks or so when I was pregnant with my 5th child in fact, I ate a lot of rice !😁

1y trước

Me too, I ate that bean when my morning sickness was too bad and I hate it till now. And I hate oak milk can’t even see the bottle which makes me sick😂

yes, it will. but for me, there is still one thing I can't eat since week 8 and that's "rice!" I'm in my 37th weeks now and i haven't eaten a single grain of rice.

Yesss! Hang in there mummy!! I know how it feels. Mine got better at 18 weeks. Afterwards, i got my appetite and energy back.

yes!!! my appetite only come back ard week 14 and now im 27 weeks. eating well and baby growing well. so dont worry so much!

I regained my appetite when i stepped into the second trimester.

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yea! for all 3 kids, my appetite came back by week 14.

Mine gradually got better from week 13 or so

It will! Tri 2 appetite gets better!