FM feeding
Hello mummies. How much FM can a 3 months take ? Pls advice mummies. Currently I'm giving him 100mls 2 hourly..

When my boy was 3 months, he can drink 150ml every 3 to 4 hours. Anything lesser, he will not be satisfied and cries for more. He really loves milk and can drink alot. U can try to increase the amount to 120ml and see how ur babe takes it. U can also increase the interval as they will be fuller for a slightly longer time, so u need not feed every 2 hours anymore.
Read moreMy baby girl currently 9 weeks old, drinking 100-120ml every 2 hours (after 12am sleep time is 4 hours till 8am)
I am feeding my 3months old girl 100ml/2hrs apart. Trying to give her 120ml/3hrs apart but my supply is low :(
Maybe up the feed each time and can spread till 3 hours intervals so you can have some rest in btw.
Now my LO is 3months he is taking 150ml eevery 3 to 4 hrs.. Try to increase his milk gradually...
How heavy is your little one? That will determine the volume. FM can be given every 3hrs actually:)
My baby is on FM for 70mls and BM whenever she wants it. Shes only 1 month though
My boy drink 160ml for 2-3 hours apart. He will drink 190ml for overnight.
I give my baby 110ml day time and 120 night time.
Mine took 120ml every 3 hours.
Mum of 2 beautiful girls