How much milk to give?
Mummies, how do you calculate how much EBM/formula to give your LO? My baby girl is 3weeks 4days old. I am feeding her about 60ml every 2hrs, however KK doctor claim that she should drink 50ml only. I tried giving her 50ml but she will cry for more. Infact when I gave her 60ml, at times she wants more. What can I do?

My baby girl is about 3weeks 2days old and drinks 80ml EBM every 2hours,sometimes she cries within 1.5hrs sometimes she sleeps abit more. We do mix feeds and feed her formula at night and she sleeps abt 3 hours between 2-3 formula feeds. Total feeds around 750-800ml. I think theres no hard and fast rule as each baby needs are different.
Read moreFollow the baby cue. What the hospital gave you is just a guideline. Ultimately every baby is different. Some big eater some are not.
hello. i'd like to inquire if anyone knows the name and contact details of the performer from the picture attached. thank you.

Follow her cue (60ml) but don't overfed as it will cause them to vomit. Newborn tend to be more gassy and thus keep feeling hungry
Is it because baby need to burp and cannot drink too much at one go?
I will adhere to the doctor advice
How heavy is she?
Trying to. At times I feed her before the 2hrs is up when she cries. Thanks for calculating!
Ever lost 2. Blessed to be a mother of 2 princess.