37 weeks
any mummies have worsening symptoms for last few weeks till due? how do you deal with it? any tips? i feel so much worse from 34weeks onwards. now at 37weeks, i can barely eat proper meal, no sleep most times, excessive burping (like literally every minute!) and etc :( happy sunday! have a nice day, everyone ❤️

Now at 33wks appetite is decreasing and getting tired easily. The sole of my foot sometimes get so sore so I started wearing hotel slippers at home and sneakers. appetite-wise, i try to eat what I can while making sure I eat those nutritious food first when I get more appetite. Tired-wise, just tell hubby and get him to help me if there’s any work to be done. Not sure how I will be in upcoming wks!
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Same here I feel so exhausted without doing anything. If I do 1 task at home I need plenty of rest. Super tiring and it started on my 35 week onwards. I eat very less no appetite, nap in the afternoon and sleeplessness nights. No mood to go out, watch TV even after showering also tired. I'm totally not myself.
Read moreI ate lesser to avoid bloating and vomiting. My feet also hurt more, and difficulty to sleep so got my hubby to massage me daily to help with the pain so it was better for me to fall asleep.
Eat frequent, small meals. Have lots of pillow support during sleep. And do whatever that makes you happy! The consoling thought is that you’re really near your EDD, and hang in there!
thanks 🥺❤️
try eat smaller potion?