Feeling lost

Hi mummies, ever since I got pregnant, I’m feeling lost and unmotivated. FTM here. It’s not unplanned but I’m feeling as though i have nothing to look forward to on a personal level. Like i have to pour all my energies for the baby. Has anyone ever felt the same or is it just me? And I’m not sure if my emotional outbursts have to do with it or just hormones..

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stay strong mummy, i feel you, you're not alone. cause the nature of my job requires me to quit once i am pregnant. i have been left with nothing to do everyday. and then suddenly the pressure is on me especially from my MIL's POV. i feel like i have to be taking way extra good care of myself because it suddenly becomes that i am solely the only one responsible for the health and growth of the child. the stress is real and with the hormones changing, it feels even greater. 😪

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