7 Replies

Super Mum

Me! I’m a back sleeper and I feel that it’s so hard to sleep on side. I put a wedge pillow behind me while I side sleep, but sometime I still end up waking on my back. It’s ok, just flip back and continue sleeping on side .

Super Mum

I think it’s okay, honestly. Just prop yourself up with pillows. And when you go to sleep, lie on your side. If you wake up on your back, quickly turn back to your side. You’ll be fine

Yup it’s ok if you wake up on your back, just turn to the side again. I put the long end of a pregnancy pillow behind me together with a wedge to help keep to my side position.

VIP Member

Hi, it's alright to actually find yourself sleeping at your back after waking up to it. That happened to me during my pregnancy too.

i was a side sleeper, but during pregnancy i became back sleeper, so i use pillow to support my back to sleep sideways


yeah... try use pillows behind ur back to prop yourself on your side

VIP Member

try put pillow on your back.

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