What are your signs of delivery in sequence?
Hi mummies, just curious. What happened on the day of your labor in sequence? 1. Water bag leaking/brust 2. Bleeding 3. Contractions

1. 18th December (Daughters EDD) cervical check (1cm dilate and membrane sweep) @9.30am. Loss of mucus plug @5-6pm. 2. 19th December Braxton Hicks on and off@11am 3. 19th December first bloody show+mucus plug at 8.30pm with irregular contraction 4. 20th December second bloody show + mucus plug at 1+am 5. 20th December admitted to Parkway East Hospital @2am with dilation of 3cm 6. 20th December dilation of 3cm + breaking of water bag at 8.20-8.30am 7. 5cm dilated contractions for 1 minutes with every 3 minutes break. 8. Took laughing gas at 10am+ with dilation of 7-8cm 9. Daughter born around 11am on 20th December
Read more1st born: contraction at 2 to 3am, bleeding at 4am then when to labour ward at 6am (after bath, breakfast etc) waterbag burst by nurse, gave birth at 11.45am 2nd child: ask to be induced as backache was so intense till I could not even walk. Cervix open at 2cm, doc gave green light to induce. No contraction, no bleeding. When to labour ward at 7am, gave birth at 10.50am
Read moreFirst pregnancy: Water bag leaking —> show —> regular contractions —> water bag burst at home —> hospital Second pregnancy: Show + painful irregular contractions for 6 days —> water bag leaking —> regular contractions (water bag burst in hospital)
Read moreJust contraction for both baby. Went to hospital and doctor broke the waterbag just before giving birth. First baby took about 50mins to come out and second within 2 mins or less when I was in hospital.
This was for my first born: 1. Waters broke at ~3 pm 2. No contractions until about 6 pm 3. Strong contractions and urge to push after 6 pm 4. Delivered vaginally at 7:04 pm
Read moreMine nothing. Non of those that you've listed, I have no contraction, no bleeding no nothing. I suddenly feel the baby heads too low then I head to the hospital
I woke up having bloody show and water bag was leaking. No contractions till I got induced to dilate further
Contractions, show. Water didn’t break until I was at the hospital and about time to push.
Just contractions. Waterbag burst only at the labour room, if i can even remember!
First one contraction and bleeding, 2nd one water bag burst then contraction.