Baby name hard to pronounce

Hello all mummies, my baby will be coming in 3months time and it's my first! I have a name in mind, it's an existing name but very uncommon is Asia country. My husband's English is not that good so he finds the name weird and hard to pronounce! He agrees that the name is unique though! Now I worry that many people can't pronounce E.g Teachers and Peers. What to do?

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You have to think about why you want that name for your child and what significance it has for you. Weigh that against how easy it is for your husband to use it, and if it will cause inconvenience to your baby when he grows up and goes through school. I had a few unique names in mind that had great meanings and I loved a lot, but after consulting how a few people would pronounce it decided to not let my ego get in the way. (Eg part of it's supposed to be pronounced Furd but people say Fart or Hard)

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