excessive gas
Hi mummies , anyone else experience excessive burping or bloating during pregnancy ? How do u relieve it ?

I had it during 2nd trimester.. Now that I am 38weeks I still feel it randomly after lunch. I had to sit upright & burp myself (patting on my own chest until I burp). I will only feel better after that. It feels horrible & painful when the gas is trapped inside.
Yes... Mine is always very bad especially at night before bed time. Using 3 fingers & ru yi oil to rub/press the lower chest area ( part between your bra cups) to help me burp. I m also taking Blackmore ginger pills every night.
suffering since day 1, even till date 34 weeks now sian. i just try to burp as much as i can tho it can be annoying to others. they don't know my struggle so bopian lor hahaha and i also drink coke when i really need it
I was so bloated during my 9th week that I couldn’t sleep although I didn’t eat much at all. so I bought some GNC prenatal probiotics to help aid digestion. Does help a bit most of the time.
YES. had it since 8 weeks and im 14 weeks now and still having bad gas problems. I stick sparkling water to help burp.
Me! Try to avoid foods that will produce gas in the body, and try to eat smaller meals
I drink sparkling water to burp myself out. Burping and bloating Is normal
I always took gaviscon