baby vaccinations
Hi mummies. My 3mth baby is due for vaccination at polyclinic at end of the month. Suggest to wear mask or to postpone vaccinations to avoid? Even If I wear mask but baby ain't protected.

I went on monday for 3rd mth vaccine and doc review. My hubby went with me but were refused entry as they proclaim only 1 parent is allowed. In the end i have to carry my bb, diaper bag, my own handbag, and his health booklet. Were quite overwhelmed especially when i need to switch baby from left to right hand during injection and when he puke the rota vaccine out, i have no hand to reach for tissue which is in my hangbag. In the end the rota vaccine were all over his neck and romper and he was crying so badly due to all these. When payment, i had to Q at counter as need to deduct medisave, once again overwhelmed as i need to reach into my handbag for my purse to take out my nric. I really wish they have notified us earlier so my hubby do not have to waste his leave, just to be outside and i will have bought stroller along.
Read moreI just went last friday. Those with symptoms are isolated at a different level, they use a different lift and they even set up a temp pharmacy there for these patients. The level where vaccinations are done is considered 'clean' so no worries about taking baby there! Good to keep up with immunisation too!
Read morePls go and get the vaccine done. Don't postpone. I went polyclinic yesterday for my baby's hep B second dose. She's 1 month 12 days. Polyclinic have priority q for babies but can be accompanied by one caregiver. If your hubby or helper is following you, they have join the normal q to get screened.
Babies with caregiver will not be screened unless have flu like symptoms.
Please go. The bacteria and viruses that the vaccines protect baby from are way scarier than the virus going around. Stay 2 metres away from all the other people around, and wash your hands after touching anything, before you handle baby.
I just went this morning for baby 1 mth vaccine to polyclinic. It’s generally safe as they will isolate suspect patients in a separate location. And kept clean. The only thing is very crowded, and longer waiting time but much cheaper
Same here mine is scheduled early march and I'm thinking whether to bring her to pd instead to reduce exposure to huge crowds. At least pd can wait outside clinic, poly all aircon and hard to wait outdoors.
It depends on the polyclinic as well. Mine was at Clementi and vaccinations are done in a separate area instead of the same area where the patients are waiting to see the doctor.
Mine also upcoming polyclinic appointment for vaccinations. But in view of current situation, I’m going to bring my baby to P.D. instead. Rather spend money this time.
Still better to go ...It's important to follow the vaccination schedule. Try and stay away from anyone unwell.
You should go. But take extra precaution. Try not to miss the scheduled vaccination dates
Eva's mummy