baby mask
Dear mummies Can baby wear mask?

Yes, all babies can wear mask but don't let them wear too long cuz they may feel uncomfortable. If your baby doesn't want to wear mask try not to bring her out. If you need to, you can train her by starting with wearing mask for her and telling her that " no mask, stay home. Wear mask, can go out." Once you wear mask for her, you walk her out. If she take out the mask, you back into house. Keep repeating this I confirm 100% she will cooperate with you. Anyway while training her you have to wear mask too😊😊
Read moreHow old is your baby anyway? If there is a mask that fits his/her small face then yes pls make them wear but most babies will fuss and they will pull it to stay home and do not go out...but if you must eg for vaccinations or medical checkuo...carry your baby close to your body and cover with cloth
Read moreNo need coz baby shouldn’t be going out or really minimise if need see pd and then rush home
No. Young baby won't like to wear as well. There is risk of suffucation from the mask also.
No, put on face shield instead. Mask pose as a suffocation hazard for 2 years and below.
no, i dont think so baby will feel comfortable wearing mask tho
According to guidelines they shouldn’t
Best not to it will be too hot for them
No they can’t :( so keep baby at home
They don’t need to wear one.