My mother in law constantly nags at me and goes out of her way to show me how unhappy she is with me! I do my best to help her around the house but there is always something she manages to pick on! I get so frustrated at times and I try to speak to my husband about it but he does his best to neither listen nor do anything about the matter. I'm worried and I do not know if my marriage will last. . .

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It is so easy to find fault in someone, especially when living together. Have a chat with your husband. Ask him to ask your mother-in-law point blank what exactly does she expect you to do and why is she always so unhappy with you. But it is important he does so in a non confrontational way (or she may think that you are trying to sabotage their relationship). If not, if you feel up to it, ask her yourself. Some mother-in-laws, when they can feel your sincerity in trying to make things work, may become less critical. Though I cannot say that it's the case for all. So it really depends on your mother-in-law's personality. Have a chat with your hubby, and see which approach may be the best (as he should know his mother best). Hang in there mummy!

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