Expert Q&A Session with Gina Yong

Hi mommies, Here is your opportunity to ask anything and everything about breastfeeding to an expert in the field. We are honoured to have Gina Yong, Breastfeeding Consultant and Parenting Coach, who will be answering questions pertaining to breastfeeding. Gina has helped thousands of parents successfully breastfeed their babies and coached them in giving the best of life to their children. She is also the founder of the largest and most active Facebook-based breastfeeding support group in Malaysia: The Breastfeeding Advocates Network (TBAN). Drop your questions below! Gina will be answering your questions on Thursday, 13th February 2020 at 11am. So ask away! *please note that questions unrelated to breastfeeding will not be entertained and questions sent in after 11.30am on Thursday might not be answered

Expert Q&A Session with Gina Yong
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Viết phản hồi nk bertanya..adakah mmbri kesan kpd kandungan sy jika sy breastfeeding anak sy umur 2y 2m, smntra sekarang ni sy tgh pregnant 5months.. sbulan lpas dh cerai susu secara natural, dia lately anak sy demam..dia nk smula susu badan apa perlu saya buat..stop atau macam mana.tq in advance😀😀

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4y trước

adakah breastfeeding saya ni mberi kesan kepada twins dalam rahim sy,kalau ada,kesan macam mna ye..tq ye sudi mnjwab soalan sy..😀