Induced Labour Experience

Hi mommies! I'm soooo excited for the arrival of my firstborn! I'm at 37 weeks today and during my checkup , doctor told me that he will be inducing labour on my 40th week. Next checkup onwards will be checking cervix for dilations. My question is : 1) is it painful to go through induced labour compared? 2) There's no underlying health issue for both me & baby but doctor suggested for induced labour as he said he doesn't want to me to wait too long and doesn't want baby to overgrow , is it okay to just go with the flow? (First time mum so idk what is it like) 3) how long does Induced labour take (the process & stay at hospital) 4) I'm a subsidised patient at kkh and have yet to meet with anyone in regards to my admission and etc, will this be done on the admission day itself? Any tips/advises for me? All inputs welcomed ? TIA

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i was induced in my first preg because of my GD at KKH. it is painful. cause it speed up labour. i sign everything on that day itself. it took me 12 hrs till i gave birth. didnt use epidural at that time cause i was too late already. but everything is fine after that, baby is fine too.