Induced Labour Experience

Hi mommies! I'm soooo excited for the arrival of my firstborn! I'm at 37 weeks today and during my checkup , doctor told me that he will be inducing labour on my 40th week. Next checkup onwards will be checking cervix for dilations. My question is : 1) is it painful to go through induced labour compared? 2) There's no underlying health issue for both me & baby but doctor suggested for induced labour as he said he doesn't want to me to wait too long and doesn't want baby to overgrow , is it okay to just go with the flow? (First time mum so idk what is it like) 3) how long does Induced labour take (the process & stay at hospital) 4) I'm a subsidised patient at kkh and have yet to meet with anyone in regards to my admission and etc, will this be done on the admission day itself? Any tips/advises for me? All inputs welcomed ? TIA

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Induced labour is wayyy painful then normal one. So i suggest u try all ways to give birth naturally 😂 my induction for first kid went on for 17 hrs, second kid 15 hrs.. third kid didnt have to induce gave birth in 6hrs

5y trước

What?? Hahaha! I read online on induced labour and came across so many mummies saying that induced labour hurts like hell.😣😣😣 I'm not sure about my pain tolerance but i think i handle it well but cannot say right hahah.. any methods or suggestion to naturally induce myself to labour?

Induced is painful Gynae has to break my water bag Was in labour for more than 38 hours in the delivery room

Induced labour is more painful they said , was in the labour room for 27 hours .

Thành viên VIP

I induced with epidural so I not really can feel the pain

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Not painful. I did induced too at week 40+2

It depends from mummy to mymmy