Transitioning out of swaddle

Any mommies have tips and tricks of transitioning a 3 month old out of his swaddle? He is currently using the ones where his hands are up and it has worked well for him so far. He does have quite a strong Moro reflex. I’ve searched online it seems like the Merlin sleep suit is pretty popular but it appears to be very thick for our climate. He’s not turning yet but I’d like to start transitioning him as he has now started rotating 180 degrees while sleeping at night and it is starting to freak me out. Thanks

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I think we stopped swaddles at a month plus or two month plus. My ger slps and rotate herself just like urs. We usually find her in another position in the morning. My girl is currently about 4mths now. Actually she never liked abt swaddles plus its very hot! We used to use velcro and zip ones though. The ones which has to ownself wrap is even hotter…

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we transitioned quite late actually at 4 months. We decided to wean him off swaddling when his arms always come out at night and he's more comfortable that way. We transitioned into a muslin sleep sack.

Super Mom

I use those traditional swaddle. So I unswaddle him during naps for a start, start with 1 nap increase to 2 etc. eventually I wean off the night one

we stop swaddle when around 2 month plus cause she will just wiggle out from the swaddle everynight haha and has been sleeping well without it.

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Dont think u need to swaddle him mummy. Just use a buckwheat pillow on his chest and some hand mittens should do the trick

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I'm using a woombie grow with me as my child grew older he uses it til almost 1 year old.

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I started with soft blankets while stopping to use swaddles

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we stopped it at one month plus and started using blanket.