Baby needs swaddle but fights it all the time.

I am so stressed when putting baby to sleep at night. Baby can't stay asleep without his arms being swaddled. But these days he has found his hands and would want to suck his hands whenever he wants to sleep. So everytime I force his arms into the swaddle but he keeps screaming. Even if I managed to swaddle him, he would fight it and manage to pull his hands out to suck. I could try to swaddle him up to an hour! Today after 1 hour I gave up and let his arms out and he can't sleep! I have to use his pacifier (what's the point of sucking his hands?!) and he falls asleep but wakes up after a short while. 😑 I am so stressed. I can't do this everyday.

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Im also facing this issuee😂 my 3 m old loveeeee his hands sooo much. The first thing he look for when waking up and falling asleep. I would use pacifier first then swaddle him.

1y trước

This worked! I used to give him his pacifier after I swaddle him, but today I managed to hold his pacifier in place while I swaddle him. I find that if I swaddle him tight enough, then I can transfer him with pacifier in his mouth swaddled, to the cot! Then I have a blanket with velcro which will further tape the swaddle in place even more, so baby cant escape out of the swaddle! (this sounds so much like a straits jacket now 🤣🤣🤣) I just put him to bed earlier. He slept within 5 mins! So happy, hope he can sttn tonight! Hope this would continue every night and not just because im lucky tonight! 🙏🙏🙏

Try carrying and walking him to sleep. Or invest in a rocker/bouncer/baby hammock, transfer baby to bed once baby is asleep

1y trước

Ahhh I rmb this stage. It’s frustrating and tiring. Hope it passes quickly for you

Influencer của TAP

oh dear... hope this phase passes real soon... take care

9mo trước

yes it has passed thanks! baby now moved on to wearable blankets! his hands are out and he learnt to put his pacifier into his mouth by himself!

How about the zipped swaddle?