Baby abscess

Looks like an abscess is growing :( saw a PD already and was given antiseptic cream and wash. Will definitely go to hospital if it gets worse tomorrow. Just wanted to ask how other parents handled this problem. Thanks in advance for sharing!

Baby abscess
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My girl had this pimple on her when she was baby quite big i wait for it to be ready and i squeeze it out.

Thành viên VIP

Oh dear. What is the reason behind this abscess? Did baby fall? Or perhaps scalp irritation that got infected?

5y trước

Its probably bed sore that has been infected...bed sore is usually evident when you lie down or sit down in our place too much too long...the poor darling...keep the wound clean and apply cream...keep changing baby position so it does not happen again...take care mummy

Super Mom

Ouch:( poor baby. Hope he won’t require surgery to drain the pus