Hi ftm here. After giving birth hosp only got us to bring baby to polyclinic to check jaundice. Subsequently also for vaccinations. I have been seeing many parents talking about bringing baby to PD if baby unwell. Isit a mus to bring baby to pd or can go for general practitioner or go polyclinic. May i know how do i go about it? Where do i find PD? In a hosp? and the cost isit like a private rate or something? Thanks in advance.

my opinion is PD have all the delicated medicine catered to newborn that Polyclinic may not have. my baby is 1 months old. gone to polyclinic for vacination and development checks told doctor baby vomited, baby keep crying, baby have phlegm when she vomit. nothing was given. they mention it like that it normal acid reflux just endure and swaddle baby. I go for PD that I engage during birth at TMC. PD check and give probiotics and ridwind for newborn. baby still cry but is much better now. that the difference. not the polyclinic is not good. but if u worried if u are unsure go to PD. more professional and they have medicine for newborn if needed that Family clinic or GP don have. young kid and newborn medicine are different.
Read moreThe vaccinations can be done at either polyclinic or PD as your preference. It doesn't mean once you go to PD for vaccination, subsequent vaccination has to be done by the PD, likewise if earlier vaccination was done at the polyclinic. If baby is unwell due to common illness, you can go to polyclinic, GP or PD. Most parents will prefer PD if financial permits as the rate charged by the PD is higher. I had brought my children to GP when the PD was closed and have no issue. Not all PD practice in hospitals. You can google PD clinics nearest to your residence.
Read morePd more specialist for kids and the rate will be more ex then normal gp or polyclinic. If baby sick can go pd as i more trust their medication, while gp sometimes dr is locum so not very convince. For vaccine can go polyclinic as save cost, singaporean babies certain vaccine free but will be jab by nurse instead of dr. pd clinic dr does vaccine and Development check up. Find somewhere near your place more convenient. For me, my 2 kids see Dr Lim kwang hsien at mount alvenia kinder clinic. they have few branch you can see n look for good reviews of dr
Read moreI only send my son to PD when he’s ill. For his vaccinations it will be done at polyclinic. GP might not see a baby that is newborn that’s why we have been bringing him to the PD and it stuck throughout. The PD we have been going is at Punggol Oasis terraces (you can search for your preferred PD near your area) however the price point is definitely on the higher end since they are specialised baby doctors. The most recent visit to the PD, my LO had mucus and nose block, we were charged 180$.
Read morePersonally, I choose polyclinic over PD for the regular things like vaccination (it’s free at polyclinics), jaundice checks, developmental assessment (also free at polyclinic) and simple cough/colds. I only bring my kids to the PD for specific paeds-related issues or serious issues. It’s definitely not a must to see a PD. The polyclinic doctor was good enough to pick up a murmur in my baby’s heart and referred us to the cardiologist.
Read moremost PD can pay by CDA so dont need to worry. definitely more expensive than general practitioner & polyclinic but they are more experienced in babies. i went to poly and general practitioner when my baby had rash, they couldn't figure what was it and didn't know what to do, they was also afraid to prescribe medication until i brought my baby to the PD. to me, certain things can save we save but certain things better not.😊
Read moreit depend on individual there's nothing wrong in bringing baby to poly clinic or normal gp. just that pd is specialised in babies. and cost of it each time easily 150 minimum. you can check nearest pd to your place no necessary to go to one specific pd at hospital. mine is kinder clinic at gleneagles I choose to stick to the same pd for my girl since birth.
Read morei will bring LO to nearby PD if he's unwell, so better check or to know if there's any around your area just for emergency as Polyclinic don't open on weekend or after 5pm. I do bring my LO for growth check up at PD to get different opinion monthly vaccination, check up, follow up can be done at Polyclinic
Read moreFor me, I will bring baby for vaccine at polyclinic and PD if bb is sick