My LO is always sleepy during latching. She can sleep very well-up to 5hrs without milk. Tried to remove her clothing, rub her ears, tickle her feet, it doesn't works. Any tips to make her stay awake?
Breastfed babies will wake up naturally if they’re hungry. No need to wake baby to breastfeed
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Vô danh
5y trước
Your baby is very young and your body is still regulating your supply. Your supply will also stabilise after 4-6 weeks. To allow your body to make more milk, you need to keep on latching your baby or pump every 3 hour to keep it going if your baby doesn’t wake by the 3 hour mark. I suggest you don’t supplement with formula and keep on pumping or latching your baby. Btw, the amount you pump out may be low but it is not the same amount your baby is drinking. Your baby will drink more when latching.